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Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
and pain tolerance 53–7
and swearing 3, 6, 43–4, 163–4
Allestree, Richard 150–1
Allsop, Claire 53–4
Altarriba, Jeanette 179–81
American English 8, 18
see also United States
American Phrenological Journal 26
amygdala 3, 41–4, 45
animal names 8, 13, 18, 185
antipsychotic drugs 81–4, 85, 88, 90
Antiques Roadshow 167
aphasia 28–33, 69
and hemispheres 33–41
arousal 52, 53
arse 12
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 66, 72
Australia 17–18
Ayçiçeği, Ays¸e 175–6, 181–2
bad language see swearing
Bailey, Lee Ann 157, 160, 163, 167
banter 17, 94–111, 146
bastard 11
Baumeister, Roy 76–7
behavioral therapies 88–90
behaviorism 121, 123–5, 127
Bergen, Benjamin K. 7–8
Berger, Claudia 164–5
bilinguals 176–7, 180–1
blasphemy see religious swearing
Blonder, Lee 34
boasting 108–9
bonding 1–3, 94, 95, 102, 103, 105
Botox 85, 88
Bousfield, Derek 107, 108–9
boys, swearing 161
brain 3, 9, 21
amygdala 41–4
and aphasia 28–33
deep brain stimulation 86–7
dopamine 81–4, 91
nbsp; and emotions 16, 36–41
executive function 77–9
hemispheres 16–17, 28, 29, 33–41, 44
structures 23–7
surgery 42–3
and swearing 16–17, 29–33, 37–8, 44–5
thalamus 86–7
and Tourette’s Syndrome 72, 80–4, 86–7
British National Corpus (BNC) 155–6
Brontë, Charlotte 168
Brontë, Emily 168
constructions 12
and social class 11
bum 58–9
Cairns, Valerie 43
Canada 18, 185
cancer 8, 61–2
carbon dioxide therapy 84–5
catastrophising 47
Catcher in the Rye, The (Salinger) 195–6
Chavez, Monika Maria 187
childbirth 51
childhood reprimands 175–6, 182
and chimpanzees 122
language learning 127, 131, 170, 171, 190–1
swearing 99, 127–8, 190–1
Tourette’s Syndrome 73–5, 91, 92
and treats 124
chimpanzees 120, 121–2, 125–6, 128–9, 142–4
Gardners 126–8
Morris 124–5
passing on language 139–42
Project Nim 121, 123–5
swearing 120, 134–9
vocalizations 129–30
Churchill, Winston 18
class 11, 167
Clempson, Andrew 86
cock 12
cognitive distortions 47
Collier, Jeremy 151–3
complaints 102–3
comprehensive behavioral intervention for tics (CBIT) 88–90
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 27
Conelea, Christine 68, 74, 80
coprographia 71, 73
coprolalia 66, 67, 68–71, 79–80, 85, 91
copropraxis 71, 73
copulatory swearing 7, 13, 14, 15
see also fuck
cortex 9
courts 113–17
Cummings, Jeffrey 31–2
cunt 8–9, 116
constructions 12
in French 8–9
in Japanese 7
Tourette’s Syndrome 70
cursing see swearing
Cuss Control Academy 98–101
Dacre, Paul 93
damn 12
Danish 70
Dar (chimpanzee) 127, 130, 131–2, 139, 140–1
de Klerk, Vivian 158
deep brain stimulation (DBS) 86–7
dental implants 85–6, 88
Dewaele, Jean-Marc 172–3, 183, 184, 185, 188, 198
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) 72
directness 146, 147–9, 154
disability-based slurs 15
dopamine 66, 81–4, 91
Dryden, John 152
D’Urfey, Thomas 152
Dutch 8, 62, 161–2
Eddy, Clare 78–9
Elliott, Rebecca 77
Elyot, Sir Thomas 9–10
and brain 29, 36–44, 45
and jokes 34–5
and language 171
and pain 50–7
and second languages 176–7, 179–83
and swearing 7, 37–8, 43, 45, 49–50, 200
Ervin-Tripp, Susan 177–8
excretory swearing 7, 14, 15
chimpanzees 120, 134–9
public attitudes to 13
see also shit
executive function 77–9
expressions 39–41
face threats 102–3
fart 12
fear, and pain 50–2
Fernández Dobao, Ana Maria 193–5
football fans 3–4, 166–7
foutre 8–9
Fouts, Deborah 139–42
Fouts, Roger 120, 129, 132, 135, 136, 138, 139–42
Fox, Kate 107–8
Frank, Madeline 75–6
French 8–9, 185
Freud, Sigmund 162
fuck 8–9
constructions 11, 12
football fans 3–4
in French 8–9
and gender 156
ice-water experiment 58–9
in Pulp Fiction 184, 192–5
Tourette’s Syndrome 70
fucking 102
Gage, Phineas 21–6
Gainotti, Guido 36
Gardner, Beatrix and Allen 125–6, 129, 130–5, 140
and swearing 16, 145–69
see also men; women
copropraxis 71, 73
women 7
see also cunt
German 8, 70–1, 171, 185
girls, swearing 158, 161
Gleason, Jean Berko 175–6
Goldman Sachs 93
Gomi, Tarō 15
Graves, Robert 11
Green, Julien 196–7
group bonding see team bonding
Gua 122
Gur, Ruben 39–40
Haddock, Captain 198
Hamlet (Shakespeare) 14
Harlow, John Martyn 23–5
Harris, Catherine 175–6, 181–2
Haugh, Michael 107, 108–9
Heath, Robin 34
Henry V (Shakespeare) 8–9
Hitchcock, Edward 43
Holmes, Janet 101–5, 106, 110, 117–18
Holy Fucking Shit Nigger principle 7
homophobia see sexuality-based slurs
honesty 112–17
Hot Tub Time Machine 193
Hughes, Geoffrey 1, 11
Hughes, Susan 158–60, 165, 167
and cancer 62–3
tests for 32, 34–5
Huston, Nancy 174–5
ice-water experiment 2, 47–9, 51, 52–4, 58–9
Igarashi, Megumi 7
illness 8, 61–5
impulse control 75–9
Indersmitten, Tim 39–40
Ireland 17–18
IT industry 94–8, 106–7, 109–10
Italian 70, 185
Jackson, John Hughlings 27–30
Japanese 7, 70, 148
Jay, Timothy 67, 70
Jenkins, Stuart 106
jocular abuse 17, 94–111, 146
joder 172, 193–4, 195, 198
Johnson, Dr 10
jokes 34–5
Kankerlijer 8
Karjalainen, Markus 195–6
Kellman, Steven 176, 183
Kellogg, Winthrop and Luella 122, 126
kichigai 7
Kurlan, Roger 87
kutabare 7
lagom 196
Lancaster Corpus of Abuse 156
language 45, 199–200
British National Corpus 155–6
directness 146, 147–9, 154
and gender 145–6
see also sign language
language learning 127, 131
and swearing 3, 16, 20, 170–83, 186–91
swear words 7–8, 184–6
translation 191–8
Ljung, Magnus 6–7
Lombardo, Laura 61
Loulis (chimpanzee) 139–41
Lucy (chimpanzee) 136–7, 139
lying 112–17
Lynch, Judge Patricia 116
McEnery, Tony 150, 156, 166
McMorran, Will 192
manko 7
Master of the Revels 14
cancer sufferers 62–3
directness of speech 147
jocular mockery 107
swearing at 157, 165–6
swearing by 16, 145, 146, 149, 154, 155, 156, 157, 162, 164–6, 167, 169
see also boys
menstruation 10
Mercury, Robin-Eliece 188–9
Michael, Richard 84–5
minced oaths 58, 70
Moja (chimpanzee) 127, 131–2, 133, 139, 140–1
Montagu, Ashley 169
Morris, Desmond 124–5
motherfucker 70, 195
multilinguals 172–3, 176–7, 180–1
Muris, Peter 161–2
Neil, Kristin 55–7
neuroscience 3
amygdala 41–4
Gage 21–5, 26
hemispheres 33–41
and swearing 25, 26, 29–33, 37–8, 44–5
Victorian origins 27–30
see also brain
New Zealand 17–18
workplace swearing 94–8, 101–7, 109–10
nigger 15
Nim (chimpanzee) 121, 123–5
Nolan, Kevin 166–7
non-propositional swearing 16, 17, 91
oaths see swearing
obscenity see swearing
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 66, 72, 73
O’Connor, James V. 98–101, 151
Ofcom 12–13
Öhman, Arne 37
Oliver, Marion 160
O’Neil, Robert 154
Ordsall 158–60, 165, 167
Othello (Shakespeare) 14
othering 15
Oxford English Dictionary 10
Oxford Text Archive 155
pain 3, 16, 20
and emotions 50–7
ice-water experiment 2, 47–9, 51, 52–4, 58–9
social pain 59–61
and swearing 46–50, 53, 57–9, 61
see also illness
Palminteri, Stefano 81–2
Peterson, Alan 89
Philipp, Michael 61
phrenology 26–7
Pili (chimpanzee) 127, 131–2, 139
Pinker, Steven 9, 15
piss 12
piss-taking 17, 94–111, 146
Plester, Barbara 94–8, 106–7, 109–10
Power Rangers 101–5, 117–18
prick 70
primates see chimpanzees
profanity see swearing
propositional swearing 16–17, 18, 69, 91
pub drinking 19
Pulp Fiction 184, 192–5
race-based slurs 5, 10, 13, 15
piss-taking 97, 98
Rampton, Ben 190–1
Ramsay, Gordon 93
Rassin, Eric 113–15, 161–2
religious swearing 7
attitudes to 13, 159
changes over time 5, 14
French Canadians 185
Italian 185
Renaissance 14
Restoration comedies 151–3
Rhudy, Jamie 50–1, 52